This is Natasha Julianne’ s elder sister. She is 5 years old. She is in the reception class. She has already started going to school at Patricia Gilardi school. She is very happy to be at our home. She is a total stranger to her sister. We will help them to know each other. She joined the home on Tuesday 11th July 2022.
The mother died when she was 2 and half years. Looking at the condition of the grandmother’s situation of not being capable of taking care of them Natasha was taken to a home in Luanshya. Whilst there Natasha was a child who was ever serious and the Social welfare officer noticed that and she facilitated for her transfer and the owner of the home noticed that. Finally she agreed to transfer her.
Questa bimba è stata portata alla nostra casa famiglia dove c’è una sua sorellina . Sono sicura che l’atmosfera gioiosa della casa l’aiutera .
Otto Baci
Questa bambina è ora ospite dal 11 luglio nella nostra casa famiglia di luanshya .